The Sporteluxe team aren’t exactly what you’d call technology nerds. Sure, we know our way around the Internet and are partial to pretty, rose gold Macbooks. However, you’re not likely to find us getting into a heated debate about the difference between computer RAM and ROM anytime soon.
That said, we are known to nerd out about the latest fit tech advancements. We can’t get enough of gadgets that allow us to take our health and fitness regimes to the next level and give us real-time data about our progress. Of course, the fit tech industry is absolutely booming, which means we have a lot of exciting products to get geeky about at the moment.
So, for our fellow fitness nerds, here are five of the most exciting new releases.
The 5 coolest new fit tech products to hit the market
Nike Self-Lacing Sneakers
While not everything imagined for 2017 in Back To The Future has come true yet (where are all the flying cars!?), we now at least have one. Nike has just released the world’s first self-tying sneakers, the HyperAdapt 1.0. Using a battery and motor sense system, the hi-tech shoes work by autolacing when the user puts their foot into the shoes and steps on the sensor. So far, the sneakers have only been released in North America, but they’re set to hit Aussie shores sometime in the near future.
You can stay updated on the latest with the HyperAdapt sneakers here.
Under Armour Athlete Recovery Sleepwear
They may look like just your average pair of comfy trackies, but they’re actually an advanced sleep system that promises to change the way you recover after your workouts. The new Under Armour Athlete Recovery Sleep Wear Range is created with state-of-the-art bioceramic technology. The pattern on the inside includes special bioceramic particles that absorb infrared wavelengths emitted by the body and reflect back Far Infrared, helping the body recover faster while promoting better sleep. The range is designed to be worn in conjunction with Under Armour’s sleep tracking device, the UA Band, in order to optimise your slumber. The women’s range includes the sweatpants, shorts and t-shirt.
You can shop the Under Armour Athlete Recovery Sleep Wear Range here.
Nadi X Yoga Pants
Introducing, the smartest yoga pants on the planet. The Nadi X leggings by Wearable X use embedded technology to send you a suble pulse in the areas that need a little more attention while you’re doing a yoga session. For example, if you need to square up your hips a little during a pose, it will gently vibrate in that area. It’s like having a yoga teacher to help you perfect your poses! Oh, and in case you’re wondering how the pants know which move you’re doing, they link up to an app that guides you through the sequence.
You can shop the Nadi X Yoga Pants here.
Apple Watch Series 2
Yes, we’ve already raved about how incredible the new Apple Watch is. But we couldn’t do a round-up of the coolest new fitness gadgets without mentioning it again! It truly is the most intelligent smart watch the market and is basically like having a personal trainer, personal assistant and mindfulness coach within your reach at all times. Yep, we’re officially obeessed. You can check out our full review here.
Nokia Health Mate
Now there’s a name you haven’t heard in a while! Gone are the days where Nokia was synonymous with the brick-sized phones you used to play ‘Snake’ on. Now, they’ve got into the fit tech game in a big way. They just released Nokia Health Mate, a suite of products designed to help people reach their health and fitness goals. The Nokia Health Mate app is the heart of the ecosystem, creating a tailored holistic health plan for users. Then, there’s the Body Cardio Scales (which measures both your heart health and body composition), the Activity and Sleep Trackers and wireless Blood Pressure Monitor and Thermometer.
You can find out more about Nokia Health Mate products here.
The post These Are The 5 Coolest New Fit Tech Products To Hit The Market appeared first on Sporteluxe.